Hey there loves, today I am going to be sharing with you, how to motivate yourself on off days.
We all have those days when me feel demotivated to not to anything especially when things are not going the way you would like it to. You sit in frustration wondering why is this happening!. You sit and feel sorry for yourself half the day. As the day is coming to a close you realize you need to pick yourself up and clean up the wounds and scrapes.
These are a few ways in which you can try on how to motivate yourself on off days.
How to motivate yourself on off days:
Firstly, I advise you to relax. Do your best at clearing your mind and freeing all the burdens that you have on your shoulders. One way in which i think helps is by watching a movie, start watching a new show or even binge watching an old favorite. Do a home workout, go to the gym or go jogging. For those who love meditation and yoga you can use those as your option. Pamper yourself from head to toe, it will make you feel a lot better.
After all that relaxing, then you can start trying to find inspiration. Whether it’s reading other blog posts, watching YouTube videos or just browsing Facebook or Instagram etc. Find things and people that inspire you and come up with ideas of your own. I find that StumbleUpon has a lot of inspiration and Pinterest. When I feel like I need inspiration, those are my two go to sites. Sometimes my search for inspiration happens over a cup of coffee in my little kitchen.
Now its the time to set those goals after you have found all that inspiration. Write down topics on what you want to write about and videos you want to record. Now that you have written down those goals it is time to execute those ideas. The next step is to.
Get up dress up and start writing and recording your heart out. Let the inspiration flow when you do have it. If you are able to get about 3 or four blog posts or videos done all at once then do it. Once your creativity is flowing get things done because there will be “off” days.
When you are done pat yourself on the back or reward yourself for pushing out the effort to getting things done. Feel proud of yourself in knowing that you motivated yourself on your “off” day.