Hi There!! I’m Lauren Partain the editor and chief behind Ms Sparkle & Glow, I am from the beautiful island of Dominican, which I need to start exploring more, don’t you think?
Writing has been a passion of mine since a little girl.
For those who don’t know me from my previous blog, I had a blog before but I deleted it to start fresh and have my own domain, it was a gamble in starting over but to me it was worth it. I started my blog to encourage others and share my advice and thoughts on different topics, I don’t limit my blog to one niche so here you will find topics on:
- Lifestyle
- Beauty
- Health
- Fashion
- Relationships
I write about what comes to mind and I also consider my audience and what they love to read about, so feel free to drop me message or email on a topic you would love to see on Ms Sparkle & Glow.
I feel so happy when subscribers tell me that a post or posts I did has helped and encouraged them, or a product that i have recommended worked for them, these are the little things that keeps me going, puts a smile on my face and pushes me, knowing that I am helping someone out there.
My blog is not only limited to females only but I welcome also my fellow males to take a read and learn a few tricks and advice about us females and maybe even learn on what beauty/fashion products to get for your girlfriend/wife to surprise her, so shout out to all my male readers!!!
Thanks for visiting and I do hope to see you again soon,.
I do hope you enjoy the posts, don’t forget to subscribe, share and tell everybody you know!!!